DEAR SELF...get back to your blog more often.. have been painting lots of watercolor cards.. not a total slacker.. will post some soon to prove it to you... thanks to me!!
this was fun, since I'd sold the prior painting of threads, thought I'd do another in a different color scheme. don't we all love experimenting with colors..
the collection of books, saucer and old cloth is family memorablia for my enjoyment and thoughts. Fond memories..
the golden roses in the golden pot was a try for a study in shading yellows and golds.
I love peppers to paint. Brilliant colors, pleasing to the eye for me.
these last two, the little one eyeing the chip bag thinks she's fooling us.. hmmmmmm......:) the baby's pic was the idea for the last painting here.. such a sweet, somber look.. such a doll!
these are some watercolors I've done recently.. have more that'll get posted soon. They're easy to travel with for me, moreso than oils.. so, when we gals go to other friends homes to paint, guess what medium.. watercolor..:) absolutely love both mediums! I do hope you enjoy reviewing these and thanks for doing so.
these are a jumble of March paintings.. 2 from old photos, and red onions are all oil, the poppies and vase with flowers as you can tell are watercolor. I'm playing with watercolor again.. enjoy both mediums.
good old Texas cattle in the old west.. ramshackle buildings, rusty roofs.. old cistern in the back.. make shift fence and gate.. thinking I should stick with portraits..:)Well, you have to try new things and larger things occasionally.
She was sitting on the porch with her grandparents and momma about 60 years ago, the wind was blowing her hair.. the colors of the dress I made up.. looks nice in a gold frame.. ahh, memories..:)fine details were sketchy at best, but she was captured..
I am working on another portrait now, a grandson of a friend. This baby girl is a greatgranddaughter of a local painter. She's looking stern maybe, or puzzled??:)