Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Have a great New Year upcoming..

This is my last painting of this year. Have another one started. It is a portrait of a great kid, taking me time to figure out just how to get it right. That's what it's all about, practice and more practice. Think I still like portraits best but occasionally do a landscape to rest the old eyes and do a more relaxed painting.. altho, I love the challange of the portraits.. I hope you all have a wonderful and happy New Year.. This scene is West of Austin in the hill country area.. gorgeous scenery and good hiking.. watch out for creepy crawlers and striking ones too..:) I don't really think landscapes are my forte, if indeed there is a forte.. oh well, it is for relaxing and enjoying.. and that is after all, the main purpose..

Friday, December 24, 2010

I did complete another before the year is gone.. maybe one more???

This is an oil of a greatgrannie and her new sweetie.. such tender moments..:)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Maybe the last 2010 painting...?? maybe not..:)

I just finished this portrait of a sweet young man.. have another started, will see if I get it done this year.. all of you have a wonderful new year upcoming.. hope for lots more art, joy and peace and happiness for us all..